Hi Esmeralda:
Glad to hear from you today. This thought has entered my mind since I started coming to this site a little over 2 months ago. I could'nt find the words to explain it because I didn't understand it myself, but being here and posting for the past month or so, has given me such a liberated feeling! I have learned so much about myself too, from being able to finally express my long-time suppressed feelings and doubts.
Reading yours' and others' experiences has opened my eyes even more and strengthened my conviction to keep learning more and trying to find a way to put my knowledge to good use with my still-active family.
When I read about your days of tears and feeling down, and yet you come here and give someone in need, your encouragement...those gestures spur us on.
When you said:
maybe a voice out there saying, "We have been there and still survived" is what they need to hear
, I say "YES" that's exactly what we need to hear, especially for me when I read someones's experience far worse than mine. It gives me a needed "boot in the rear" to get out of that day's slump.
Your words:
we will always be attached at the hip due to this life exp. that we share...Often times when folks go through something together and SURVIVE to tell about it---- they realize that no one can really understand what it was like- you have to exp. it to know
rang so true for me.
I wondered at first too, why so many keep hanging on here after so many years away from the org. I asked myself "Why is our leaving so different from someone leaving another religion"?
But it soon became apparent to me that for so many of us, it's because of the hold the org has on its members by means of the strong conviction we're the only ones worshipping God in the only right way. We believed so strongly in the 'coming end of the system' and the 'paradise' we would be privy to. The excitement along with fear of failing and guilt when we did, is like a giant hook stuck through its members. In turn, these beliefs caused the lives of most of us to be affected in ways the 'world' didn't go through.
I identify so strongly with your phrase about "questions" at the end. I too want answers and not feel afraid to ask questions. I've always been a stickler for answers and detail, and am often teased in a loving way from my friends who know when they tell me something, I have to get the full picture...I don't like having to fill in the blanks.
To all:
It just makes my heart swell when I see you all take the time to answer those who need it, whether it be with sympathy, suggestions or a funny remark. They help not only the one you're answering but those of us who read it too. I'm so glad to be getting to 'know' all of you.
Had Enough (but not of this place!!)